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Kaylee_eeeee's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kaylee_eeeee's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

We all deserve second chances and by providing ASI that is what we have. If we did not have ASI then most all of us would be failing.

2 points

It is a chance to take back the mistake the student made of not completing work

2 points

If they continue to slack off with their school work and get away with it, they will begin to think they can get away with slacking off at more important things such as college and their future jobs. Punishment for not completing work is necessary.

4 points

If students do not put full effort into their assignments they should have consequences. If they just don't do it, they should be punished as well. It is the students responsibility to complete their assignments and by creating consequences they begin to take school work seriously.

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