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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kaley_74's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

By getting punished another way other than ASI. You don't need to be held after school to "learn your lesson". You can learn your lesson by getting a deduction or not being able to do something that the class is doing. ASI doesn't do anything for you

1 point

The punishment doesn't have to be an ASI. It could be minus 5 points for everyday that he/she doesn't get the assignment, or it could be a 0 in the grade book until they turn it in. Being held after school doesn't teach responsibilities. Giving real consequences does.

4 points

No. Because ASI doesn't really do anything for them. It's just a place they have to stay for extra time. They might have a good reason for not turning in the work. ASI just tells them that it was a mistake. It doesn't prevent it from happening again.

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