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Johlopez2's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Johlopez2's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

That isn't always the case though. They could be looking for you while your sitting there being angry at the fact that you think he isn't even there.

0 points

It's never the same. Trust me, I've been through it.

4 points

It's better to have a father than to not have one. For example, me. I grew up without a father and if I had a choice of being a billionaire or to have a father growing up, I'd choose to have a father. I'm basically a bastard legally because he isn't even on my birth certificate. No one should grow up without a father because honestly, it messes with them. Kids in school will ask about your dad and you have nothing to say. Whether he is lousy or not, a child should always be in touch with their dad. Even if he isn't with the mother anymore.

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