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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jessald's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Lazy people don't get welfare. The only people who get welfare are people who are too old to work or are disabled or something like that. There's also temporary welfare like unemployment -- but people are only allowed to get that for a short time while they find a new job.

If we didn't have any welfare at all, then you would literally have people dying in the street. Is that what you want?

1 point

"global warming CAUSED BY HUMANS has been disproved."

No it hasn't. (source)


Obama/Biden > McCain/Palin

"he hasn't seen what things like wealth redistribution and high government spending does to this country"

What exactly are you saying they do? Increase the standard of living and improve the economy? Most economists favor a certain amount of wealth redistribution. (source)

And it seems to me that a clean environment is good for average Americans. Or do you enjoy sucking smog?

2 points

What a load of crap.

Obama is not a socialist. He is a capitalist who thinks we need a little bit of socialism. And he's right.

Pure capitalism redistributes wealth from everyone and puts it in the hands of the richest 1%. Pure capitalism means the poor can't afford basic things like housing and health care. Pure capitalism is bad for the economy because most people can't afford to buy anything beyond basics like food and clothes.

I'm not saying socialism is the answer. Capitalism is good because it's the best way we know of to provide goods and services. I think the right answer lies in the middle road between capitalism and socialism. This is also what Obama believes.

Also, Stalin was a communist. Communism is where the government forcefully prevents anyone from getting rich. Communism and socialism are not the same things.

As for the war -- as long as we have troops in Iraq, the Iraqi government will use them as a crutch to avoid taking responsibility for the security of their country. The mid-east is a very unstable region, and will probably be so for the next hundred years. We have to pull out eventually, the only question is how much money and how many American lives do we waste first?

It is absolutely critical that we find an alternative to oil, and Obama's energy plan will do just that. Also, global warming is happening and it is man made. This has been confirmed by the IPCC, which is the number one authority on the issue. They are further backed up by almost the entire scientific community. (source)

As for experience, Obama will have many advisors. He has said he will work closely with his vice president, Joe Biden, who has ten years more experience than McCain. Also, if experience is so important to you, then doesn't it bother you that Sarah Palin would be one 73 year old heartbeat away from becoming president if McCain is elected?

I'm sorry, but you are just plain wrong on every point.

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