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Kiki_Turtles's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kiki_Turtles's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

From 8:45-3:45, we go to school seven hours a day, five days a week. Averagely, one student will go to bed at around nine to eleven. Due to mornings being a rush or sleepy time, this leaves approximately five to seven hours of time at home. During this time, there is family time, homework, chores, and other things that consume time, crushing and crunching away at the little time they get. After all, what's an extra hour or two stuck at school to only do one thing you were unable to do before? And during this time not able to do any of the other things they should do? I see no fairness. Make up can as easily be done at home; if a student is unable to do it one day, they might the next. During ASI, you can't spend the time you have when you finish with your family, friends, or anything you could do, and it's a hassle to the parents having to pick them up so late. By the time ASI gets out, many families will be getting dinner ready, and the time they get is still chopped up. Sure, you can do other home work during that time, but what id you have five assignments one day, and only one (for make up) the next?

~Katerina Thorpe

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