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Haylee_0310's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Haylee_0310's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

WE are simply teenagers, we change through a course of time. So really we won't be the same in the future as we are now in the present.

2 points

I don't believe that a student should be forced to attend an ASI for not completing an assignment. First of all, they might be busy doing other things like sports, club meetings, etc. ASI will only bring stress to the student, and most of the kids attending ASI don't care if they do get a detention. Apparently ASI is supposed to engage the student to do better the next time. But really. it's punishing them for an hour and a half for ONE assignment missed. So how are students supposed to have something positive to say about this when they are being punished?

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