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David_Gooble's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of David_Gooble's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

You can get help during Cain time, before school, and during class.

3 points

The problem with that is, not all parents are responsible enough to punish their students for their school life, imagine you commit a crime, and the police were to send you back to your parents to decide the punishment, alot of problems would go unsolved.

0 points

It's not fair that you just didn't do it. Most papers take less than thirty minutes.

2 points

Then they can use classtime to ask the teacher for help, or even before school.

-1 points

it's a very simple system, if you don't do as you're told in school, you face the consequences of your actions, it's not unfair, just lack of doing as you're told. (I was bribed to clicked yes)

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