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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ben_pulls's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, that would be more fair. But only if it's their first time.

2 points

ASI is NOT a punishment, it is a reward. The student gets to redo the assignment up to a 85 AFTER the fact that they didn't do it.

1 point

Putting kids in ASI is not a punishment, but a reward. They get to redo the assignment to a maximum of a 85 AFTER the fact that they didn't do the assignment the first time. It's just not right.

4 points

Students should not be forced to attend ASI for not completing an assignment. If they didn't feel like completing an assignment they should be simply given a zero. It is not fair, nor just for students to have the ability to be able to redo an assignment that they didn't feel like completing. What about the students who did complete it? They actually did the work the first time and tried. At work, if you don't finish a project that you have been working on, you will be fired. Students should only have the opportunity to go to ASI to if you failed the assignment the first time you failed it IF you finished it.

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