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RSS Summys

Reward Points:9
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8 most recent arguments.
3 points

Although 9/11 is years behind, the memory of the tragedy is still lingering in everyone's mind. Americans today are constantly assuming that anyone from the Middle East could be a terrorist. If airport officials use profiling for anyone that looks Middle Eastern, they could actually miss the real terrorist. A terrorist could be disguised as practically anyone. They could be any race, any gender, and could have any sort of style. Profiling will only cause Middle Eastern people to be looked at as more of a threat than they already are. Everyone should be checked to prevent a terrorist attacked. Anyone could be a terrorist.

3 points

Any kind of torture is not justified. Torture and punishment are two different things. Punishment is geared towards malicious humans who performed some sort of crime. Torture could be out of pure enjoyment towards harming someone or something, or to get some sort of revenge. For example, during the Holocaust, the Jews were tortured simply because of what they were. They weren't being punished for crimes they committed. It's impossible to justify something that is completely unethical. Even if a human seems to deserve to be tortured, we have no right to inflict this type of pain on them. Torture is never justified.

2 points

High school can be one of the best years of your life or it can be one of the worst. Reasons as to why it would be the best is if you were able to attend the high school of your choice. You would be in a comfortable environment where you enjoy the company there. It could be the worst if you aren't able to attend the high school of your choice and don't enjoy being at that particular school. Students should be allowed to attend the high school of their choice for this main reason. For example, I enjoy my high school but I would prefer to be at Booker T. Washington. If this were to happen, there might be a change in the amount students in a certain school. Some schools might have more students than others. Limits can be put on the amount of students that are accepted into the schools. It would be fair and would keep things balanced. The majority of the students would still be allowed to go to the high school of their choice.

1 point

Although the statistics help provide a good argument as to why a person should run less than four terms, I think it's more important that this President is only in office because they want to be. This president is dedicating their time and effort into our Country because this is what they enjoy. It may not be a peaceful life and it may have an enormous amount of stress but in the end, this is what the President enjoys. Roosevelt may have died during his last term but he didn't die upset that he dedicated so much of his life as a President.

1 point

Presidents should be allowed to serve more than two terms. In the past, only a few bold men attempted to serve more than two terms. One example would be when Franklin Roosevelt was in office. Roosevelt served four terms and brought positive impacts to the country during his time in office. He was a leader during a crucial time. A sudden change in presidency might have caused distress to the millions of Americans at the time. If Obama's stimulus plan helps years after he serves his two terms, then we shouldn't limit his time. If Obama was given more terms, he could create even greater changes for our country. I believe that if a good leader is in charge of our country then there is no reason to limit their years in office.

4 points

I refuse to support the deportation of illegal immigrants. This issue has caused a lot of conflict over the years in the United States. The only true natives of the United States are the Native Americans. The British immigrated to the US on the famous Mayflower. They began to take over the Native American lands which led to brutal wars. Obviously ignorance and selfishness still runs in their veins. Even to this day, Americans are ignorant about the fact that their own ancestors were immigrants. Just because a person was born in the Uniited States, doesn't mean they are superior to a person who illegally immigrated here. I understand that illegal immigrants don't pay taxes and that creates a lot of conflict. We should support illegal immigrants and help them become residents and citizens.

0 points

With the estabilshment of the U.S., not much good has come out. History seems only to be repeating itself. I mean seriously...if anything, we've just established a more lazy and obese nation. What the heck is good about lazy fat people depending solely on technology? if anything, a superiority complex with a worthless government has formed. We assume that we're the biggest and the best, and that we've practically won all of our wars.

2 points

Schools have restrictions on what we can and can't do. I feel like there should be no limitations on expressing ourselves. How can we students be completely creative when we have limitations on how we dress, think, and act?

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