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RSS Greciah

Reward Points:12
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9 most recent arguments.
3 points

The issue with profiling is that airport officials view on how a terrorist should look or act may not be acurate. They may have approached that view by past experiences, but that doesn't conclude that the terrorists will fall under the same profiling. Terrorist are after all difficult to find, for they keep changing and improving their methods. Terrorist won't easily fall under the same trap several times. Apart from that terrorist are usually people that blend into the crowd. They are so descrete that its difficult to spot them even if you use profiling. It would be better for officials to use a device that would permit them to detect the weapons that the terrorist would use for the attack.

3 points

When a person applies torture to a situation, the outcome of the situation can be false. For instance if a person where to torture another into saying that they committed a crime, then the person being torture might state it in order to escape the pain. If torture was justified then it would be used in jails which it isn't.

1 point

The future is filled with choices and one way to prepare the student for that type of future is by permitting them to choose the school they with to attend. If a student was able to pick the high school, then they would be albe to pick one that fits them the best. If the student is more athletic then they could go to a school that focuses more on athletic. If the student is more into getting a high education then they could go to one that focuses on high level classes, and so. The delema with this is that a large number of people might want to go to the same school, which would cause that school to become overpopulated. The school then could become like Harvard in the sense that only the best are accepts. If this were to happen then students would strive to work harder which could benefit the school district in overall.

2 points

If a person was permitted to run for three terms then that mean that the same ideas that that individual president has will continue to flow through office for twelve months. A new president means new change, and changes are usually desired by many.

3 points

It is certainly true that some presidents have done great deeds for our nation, like Franklin D. Roosevelt and his new deal, but there are still those presidents that have harmed our nation even more. A president that runs for two terms has the opportunity to help the nation for eight years, so they should be able to do what they deemed necessary during that time. After the two terms a new person should come into office, so new ideas can come in as well. A person that has resently come into office has a better understanding of what is going on in with the people since they were just with them and not in the white house.

7 points

Illegal immigrants should be permitted to live where they please, as long as they do not cause any harm to where they are. Illegal immigrants are the people who usually take up the jobs that nobody wants. For instance a person that has studied to be a doctor wouldn't want to go to the fields and pick strawberrries for a small amount of money. Also, immigrants usually don't get involved with other people, all they want is an opportunity to begin a new and better life. After all isn't America the country of opportunities. If you think about it more thouroughly you will recall that are ancestors were once foreign to this country, so doesn't that mean that we are all illegal immigrants.

1 point

It is true that developed countries have numerously harmed the enviromnment along their journey of development. It is also true that nobody forced them to protect the environment, so why should they force others? Well, developed countries don't wish for the cycle of destruction to continue. They acknowledge the fact that their development has helped cause global warming, the extinction of some animals, and other negative things. They also relize that the developing countries should also receive an opportunity to become developed, but if they go all out with their development the same type of results will come out. One quote that should be remembered is that,"Those who don't learn from the past are deemed to repeat it." If the developing countries start developing in a safer manner for the environment, then the issue won't be so focused on. The developed countries could also help, not only force the developing countries. They could help them by giving them some things that they have already developed.

3 points

In order to get anything in life, a person must be willing to give up something in return or as the saying goes "give to get." It is true that the U.S. did pass through many hardships to get to where it stands today, but isn't it also true that it received numerous great things in return for it all. The United States did experience war and slavery, but it also received the opportunity to experience freedom and capitalism. Not all countries that have gone to war to get their freedom, have received it, therefor their pros did not outweigh their cons. As for the U.S. if the cons did outweigh the pros then the U.S. would still be experiencing war within it self.

1 point

Schools do not completly kill creativity, but does limit it. When a student receives an assignment, they are usually given guidelines that do not always permit them to be as creative as they could possibly be. For instance, if a teacher tells a student to draw a picture in color that expresses them, but they are able to express themselves better by drawing in black and white, then their creativity will be limited. Some studens are also sometimes restricted in their writing creativity, by special formats that exist and by some of the topics that they have to write about. Creativity revolves around individuality, for it comes from what a person wants to do and not what everyone else is doing.

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