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RSS Artayab

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Airlines should use different techniques to try to prevent terrorist form boarding a plane. Like they can have tight security that check any and everybody that comes through their airline. People can't automatically assume you're a terrorist just because you are Muslim. Anyone could be plotting to cause harm to others. Using profiling wouldn't be a very adequate method for trying to prevent an attack.

3 points

Torture is morally wrong. It is understandable that it does need to be used depending upon the situation. Like if there was a serious threat to US about being bomb, and they cough somebody that knew information about it, but wont talk. Torture only could be the last option in a sense. That still doesn't make it right though. A person inflicting pain on another human being on purpose is inhuman and goes against God. Then you have to consider the fact that people sometimes may use it on a unjustified reason. They may do it because they find it to be “fun”, and enjoy watching a person die a slow, painful death. Torture is just wrong, plain and simple. It's uncivilized.

1 point

Student's should go to the school that are ranged in where they live. It wouldn't make since for a student to go to a school in a further distances, because there friends are attending there or another various reason. The Districts makes them go to a certain school for a reason. There can be a system of organization, and students are divided up equally within the schools. It helps the school have a variety of people and blends of difference cultures of students.

1 point

No, because according to the 20th amendment the president can only have two terms. Since that has been applied for so long, there is no reason to change it. They should only have the two terms because, after a while the people may want somebody new. They may desire somebody that can make the U.S even better than what it previous was. The president should just serve his or her terms and then another person replaces them.

2 points

They're over populating the country. I do understand that they come here to have a better life, but it still doesn't change they fact that there are way too many. The government even gives them money to help support themselves to live over here. It's not right, because that money can be used to help somebody who was actually a born citizen of the U.S. The U.S made living here suitable for them too, like in stores they have signs in both English and Spanish. They should know how to read and speak our language. They need to go back to their area, but the U.S should do something to help them out and not have to have them come here.

1 point

Using force to make countries protect their enviorment wouldn't be a good method of choice. The devevolped countries should try persuasion, and set examples to show that protecting the envoirment is a good thing.It like they say, "money see,monkey do". By force, it could possibly cause chaos to erupt between the countries.The devevloped countries also need to understand that, the enviroment may be the last thing on developing countries mind. They may have other major problems that need to address first, like their economy or health care.

1 point

The pros would win, because everything in the past help make a better future. Slvery would be an example. Long ago blacks weren't even considered citizens. All they were able to do was work on plantations.Now there free and treated equal. Even though those were terrible times, it help shape America in general.

1 point

No, school help promotes creativity. One thing is that we're able to wear what ever we desire. We can express are selves through are clothing. We're exposed to diffrent people and culture. It helps us be open minded. The students can take diffrent electives, which can help them identify their true purpose in life.

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