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RSS Webbanthony

Reward Points:10
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think that batman is more of a hero than superman for the simple fact that superman was born with his powers. Who wouldnt be able to save people if they were as fast as the speed of light or could leap over tall buildings. But batman is a pure example of hard work and determination because if you think about it batman is just like me or you born by a human an raised by a human but his choices are what made him great, made him a hero

1 point

The school district is one of the ultimate killers of individuality. I have attended Macarthur for 4 year now and have been in trouble with the administrator multiply times just for trying to "be me". It’s like they single any one out who has not conformed to there idea of regularity. But I I’m stubborn, the real me is going to shine no matter what the opinion of others is. Because at the end of the day when all the teachers and students go home you are still going to be you.

3 points

I understand the reasoning in the school districts decision in adding the cameras. There not trying to do anything more but to further enhance the safety of the campus. For instance what if you left your thing in the Hall or even the cafeteria to talk to a teacher or just to get something to eat an when you returned your stuff was missing wouldn't you want the footage that day. Or if a good friend gets "jumped" or even you, you cant tell me you wouldn't want the people to be caught. so i look at the cameras in optimistic vision because they probably help more people then you think.

0 points

your a thug u steal cars for a livein nobodys gonein to listen to you

-3 points
0 points

I beleave that this new police is inconsiderate to the stundent body it self. There are many different reason why a person should have more then thirty min to go home after a event. For one, some people dnt have rides that can be there right on time because of the distance they live from the school, or just pure traffic. so why should the stundent be faulted by a officer because they live out of area.

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