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RSS OliviaR

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't think that airport officials should profile people. If they want to prevent terrorist attacks then they should check everyone, not choose someone based on race, religion, or any type of appearance. A terrorist could be anyone going on a plane and if they didn't check everyone then someone who looks normal could be the next person responsible for a terrorist attack.

1 point

I do think that tortue can be justified. If there is a national security issue and a group of terrorists have planted a bomb somewhere in America and the F.B.I. has one of those terrorits in custody, then shouldn't they go through all methods possible including torture to find that bomb and make sure that their country is safe especially if torture is the only way to get it out of him.

1 point

I do think that students should be able to attend the high school of their choice. As long as that school isn't already too full and you are willing to drive a possibly longer distance then it should be a students choice if they want to do that. If the school of the students choice is better academically, athletically, musically, or theatrically then why shouldn't the student go to the best high school that offers the program that they are most interested in.

1 point

If a president got started on some big project to help out countrty and its economy that would take over 8 years to complete, why doesn't he/she pass that along to the next president in office and ultimately end up following the law that a president should only be allowed two terms.

1 point

If presidents were allowed more than two terms than there could end up being a possibility of a dictatorship in this country. There was a reason why this law was made. If a president was allowed more than two terms then that power over this country may end up going to his/her head and he/she might not take the peoples best interests in mind.

1 point

I support the deportation of illegal immigrants. I feel that if someone wants to be in this country to have better oppurtunities for themselves or their families they should gain their legal residency in this country and pay taxes like every legal person in this country has to. I don't think that legal citizens should have to pay for illegal people's children to go to school when they don't even pay for it.

1 point

Although it would be great for all of the countries to become more environmentally friendly, I don't think that developed countries should be able to force developing countries into protecting the environment. Not all developed countries worry about protecting the environment fully, so why should the developing countries have to worry about it too? Developing countries also don't have the types of money resources that developed countries have so I think it's unfair for the developed countries to even be aloud to force developing countries into protecting the environment.

1 point

I don't think that the pros outweigh the cons in the establishment of the U.S. Yes, we do have more freedoms and oppurtunities than most of other countries in this world, but at the cost of so many sacrificed lifes lost. This country has gone many hardships, but I feel like in the end all of those hardships are not entirely worth it.

0 points

I do not believe that schools kill all of students creativity. I feel that we have more than enough ways to show creativity through clothes, creative writing, and talking also. I think that because students don't get their ways in school like if they violate the dress code then they think that the school has taken away their creativity.

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