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RSS KerstyP

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

Despite the fact that it could prevent certain events from occuring. It would be quite a burden for the individuals being questioned and having people go through their personal belongings. Sterotyping people just because of their ethnicity or clothing is a wrong thing to do. Other plans need to be thought up in order to prevent terrorist attacks.

1 point

Students who want a better education can't always be granted one in their area. Some Locations provide excellent schools, while others are far from perfect. A student who goes to Sunset Highschool would not want to stay there for long. That school is known for its poor structure and rebellious students. Same for Molina. Both of those schools have very horrible nicknames that are unappropriate to even mention. Many students are forced to go there since they can't recieve permission for a transfer. Would you want your child to be thrown into an environment full of gangs and drugs. All schools have problems, but some are worse than others. They shouldn't have to stay somewhere where they feel uncomfortable. They should have unlimited choices, especially if they are not able to move near a school that feels their needs.

-1 points

Presidents should have unlimited terms. The people vote each term either way. All should be well due to those circumstances. The chances of us keeping a horrible president is slim.

3 points

They may take many jobs and house many relatives, but most of their intentions are harmless. They just wanted to escape all the pressures of reality, which would be pain, stress and poverty. In Some parts of Mexico, gangs rape young women and children on a daily basis. Gang rape goes unpunished in Mexico. In Mexico, people drive quickly and don't even stop when someone is in front of them. My friend lost his 9 year old cousin that way and the police did not do one thing about it. I know there are bad immigrants, but do all the others need to suffer. Yes, they can get a green card, but how much would it cost and long would that take. They could die at any moment waiting and most are living on a small income and probably would have to go many days without eating to save up for their family.

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