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1 point

We all have the right to our privacy, but when it comes to endangering other peoples rights which can happen in a number of ways, people should be conserned and get involved. So yes i think that suspicious individuals should be monitered only if they have an applicable warrant to say its allowed. But, it would be proper to interrogate the individual first then let them know what they are in for depending on the circumstance.

2 points

I think its better to have a lousy father than no father at all. Fathers have a key role in a child's life. Some people are raised without a father, but it is important to have one. To me i think a father brings discipline and understanding in a child's life. A lousy father can teach a child many lessons even if the are constantly doing wrong. A mother is for nurturing and love there for you when no one else is. A mother really can't take the role that a father would in a child's life no matter how hard. If there wasn't a dad i don't think there are going to be many boundaries in that child's life than if there was a "lousy" father..

0 points

I wouldn't turn them in. Because when you get married, you have taken a vow, a vow to be with that person for better or for worse, rich or poor, in sickness and in health. That is a promise made when your with the one you love for the rest of the life. I don't like breaking promises i will be there for my husband no matter what the circumstances.

0 points

I think you proved a good point here

1 point

advancing the common good is better to me because, If i were to pursue my own personal pursuit, it wouldn't be all that good, because most of them would be selfish choices that woulld end up hurting someone else, i dont like hurting people. It would be a much better world if we thought about everyone else well being before we think about our selves.

1 point

Yes I think Shakespear should definently be taught in highschool. I find his poetry and stories very complexed but intresting. Some people want to be writers when they grow up or they want to be actors. Understanding Shakespears work would be very beneficial to their future. They could learn and understand his techniques.

1 point

Its about taking a bad situation and turning it in to something good for you. I agree because you take the little freedom that you have and run with it your own way.

2 points

Martin luther king said that i have a dream some day people would be judged by charecter and not the color of there skin keep it in mind :)

2 points

I'm a liberal and if i was able to vote i wouldn't just because our candidates running both aren't "in my view" in shape for being our next president, but if i were to vote I would think that Mr.Barack Obama would be a good enough president,I feel that both of these candidates have strong and weak points, Barack and McCain both have "some" good ideas for well being of the country, but McCain in my opinion is Gorge Bush all over again and, America is looking for a change new ideas a different way of planning things out with the well being of the people in mind. Barack is a representation of what America is the working class is what needs help right now and he does everything that keeps them in mind, McCain does keep people in mind but he really isn't thinking for everyone else but his "own kind"..

0 points

You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not respected, i don't think its worth it all. Money doesn't by happiness and if there's no happiness there is no enjoyment of your money.If you have no one that can respect you and your achievements then whats the purpose of the wealth you worked so hard for, only to find out that nobody admires what you have done. If you are well respected it adds a value to everything you worked so hard to get, people can see that yes this person deserves all their wealth because what they have contributed is well earned.

1 point

I don't know much about each character when it comes to being a good hero. I want to say that batman could be because he gets around in a nice car and its more realistic than flying around in a cape. I guess he is using more of is own human qualities to be a Good Samaritan

1 point schools kill creativity i would say yes! Because look what happen to all our fun school spirit days..they aren't as fun anymore. I remember adopt a senior, i remember how the pep rallys used to have the radio stations over, people used to try to come up with different programs to make school more fun and inviting. We don't even have talent shows anymore! WHY! I love to see the many talents of the students at our school it showed our career path and what we wanted to pursue. That is educational stuff alot of the talent show had what people wanted to study in school.They say that all those school spirit and fun stuff we had before wasn't very educational no not really it doesn't make us better in grades or anything, but to me education needs to be inviting people need to make people want to come to school, all that has been taken away. Even adopt a child got boring, people create these programs to help other people with their lives why did they have to suck the fun out of that. We should be able to want to come to school and Learn something great and have fun while we are at it.The school needs to get "more" involved with the students instead of feeding in our minds that education can't be fun.

-1 points

I think that Its better to be loved because when your loved it means that every little flaw and imperfection is accepted. When your loved people are willing to do anything for you "willingly."When your feared you will be respected and people will do what ever its is to please you regardless of how wrong that person could be. They could fear them show them the "signs" of love but behind that "feared persons"back they're not loved ,that person is just scared.

2 points

thats very true...

-3 points
2 points

i think it isn't needed...the security guards even though annoying are good enough security..the cameras go to far. Our school isn't even at the levels of high crimes. we aren't like the other schools say like in Dallas that have the kids killing each other and bringing guns to school. This isn't Virginia tech..I'm sure that "most" students attending our school are pretty civilized and know whats inappropriate.So no cameras aren't necessary that money can go towards better things that improve the fun and education of the school..

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